Youth Leaders experience sharing under way in Adama

Youth Leaders experience sharing under way in Adama

Cascading the Youth Leadership practices at their constituencies following the Dialogue conducted during October and November 2022 is under way at Kereyyu Resort Hotel at Adama today. The youth participants of the then Dialogue drawn from different sectors of the Government institutions, Civil Society Organizations, professional associations, political parties etc. have been exercising leadership activities at their constituencies.

The Executive Director of the CDCB, Mr. Amauel Adnew welcomed the participants to the experience sharing programme. He gave background to the occasion citing how the programme had been organized involving different stakeholders and the donor partner, Forum of Federations. He then called up on His Excellency Minister d’Etats of the Ministry of Peace to make opening speech.

Then experience sharing programme was opened by His Excellency, Minister d’Etat of the Ministry of Peace, Mr. Taye Denda’a highlighted the critical importance of Youth Leadership for the country. He lauded the Dialogue programme in shaping the youth acquire the required knowledge and skills of leadership at this critical period in the country. He gave guideline for youth leadership to widen involving more and more young people to play their leadership role applying the knowledge and skill thus gained. Finally, he expressed commitment to continue working with the CDCB and the funding organization, Forum of Federations.

His Excellency Dassa Bulcha, Senior Director of Forum of Federations on his part spoke about the need to strengthen youth leadership through the Dialogue. He encouraged the young participants of the programme to play their leadership role in equipping themselves with the needed knowledge and skill to this end. Finally, He appreciated the Center for Development and Capacity Building for their will to work with the Forum of Federations and   expressed his hope to continue working with them in the future too.

The Dialogue conducted in five rounds during October and November 2022 focused on critical issues of Human Rights, Rule of Law, Democracy, Federalism, Non-Violent Communication and Peace. The participants of this evaluation programme were selected from the 200 participants of the Dialogue Forum based on their best performance over the last four months.

Indeed, it was indicated during conclusion of the Dialogue that each youth participants would at least reach 10 young persons in his/her constituency. And those who transcend that limit in reaching more persons and communicating their performance to the CDCB were selected for the experience sharing. The experience sharing programme is expected to be concluded today by devising the way forward.

The Forum of Federations is Canada based network having 10 member countries including Ethiopia where they have office to provide support on the issues of Federalism. 

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