Day 3 of Community Peace Dialogue at Adaba

Day 3 of Community Peace Dialogue at Adaba

Marking the last day of Community Peace Dialogue with Women of adaba to discuss about sustainable peace and social cohesion in their town more in depth. In this particular plenary women of adaba shared their thoughts on with respect to topics that were discussed on prior days.

Women’s hold a large percentage in most society, it appears to be true for this society as well. Engaging such powerful and wise wing of the society helps to bring a sustainable solution to the current difficulty. Adaba’s women show such characteristic and bravery. They have discussed how they shall proceed following this dialogue and work together with the rest of the community to bring peace that is sustainable and have social cohesion among the society.

They have also given their appreciation towards the youth volunteers saying that this gives them hope hope for them to see young people leading such “Peace” dialogue. They have also thanked CDCB for being the back bone of such plenary.

Previous Day 1 of Community Peace Dialogue in Adaba.

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