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Training on Peace Building and Dialogue Skills

Training on Peace Building and Dialogue Skills

Peace is an important attribute for any community to live and do any of their day to day activity. That’s why what we need to protect and maintain “Peace” at any cost. CDCB has taken the initiative in promoting and building peace agents for the past few month in three cities namely Batu, Negele and shashemane. This time CDCB is reaching further to four different towns, Robe, Adaba, kofele and Dodola to continue this particular work.

CDCB has just started a training on Peace Building and Dialogue skill for Robe and Adaba Youth volunteers at Tokkumma Hotel in Bale Robe for four consecutive days. This program is part of the “Strengthening and Scaling up of Youth Peace Agents” project which is being implemented with support of USAID/OTI/Dexies.

In our morning session, after a brief introductory of our center and the training the meaning and the reason for voluntarism was addressed and discussed. In addition to this, in the later session the concept of peace was discussed among our volunteers and various ideas was exchanged. Following this topic positive peace and negative peace was explained. In addition to this the concept of conflict, definition, dynamics and source of conflict was discussed as well. The last topic for the day to be thought was Conflict intervention and conflict management.

Previous Association leaders (Local community) Local & Regional Government and Private Companies Consultation on Protecting Lake Dambal February 12, 2022 Batu

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Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

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