Center for Development and Capacity Building (CDCB) commence project implementation in Moyale Woreda (District) with its partner, Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO). Two man team from CDCB and a staff of VSO traveled to the area (January 31, 2023) for preliminary assessment and startup activities that would lead to the actual implementation of the project titled “Integrating Peace building, Development, and Humanitarian Efforts on the Kenya and Ethiopia Cross Border’ project”. 

Mission of the staff member at this initial stage is contact establishment and communicating with relevant project stakeholders at Zone and District levels during their stay up until February 9, 2023. They would also observe the situation on the ground on how to go about and conduct Key Informant Interview with selected stakeholders.  

In addition, the staff members would process the recruitment of Project Coordinator who would be responsible for effective implementation of the project connecting CDCB Head Office with the Field Office to be established in Moyale District. To this effect, they are expected to communicate with the Zone Administration, Finance Office, Peace and Security and Buusaa Gonofaa   to facilitate the ground for the implementation of the project. The staff members would conclude their mission after short listing applicants for vacant position and establishing filed office for the project.

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