Cascading the Youth Leadership practices at their constituencies following the Dialogue conducted during October and November 2022 is under way at Kereyyu Resort Hotel at Adama today. The youth participants of the then Dialogue drawn from different sectors of the Government institutions, Civil Society Organizations, professional associations, political parties etc. have been exercising leadership activities at their constituencies.
How is the concept of “Rule of Law” understood? The concept of Rule of Law is understood as: (a) where every individual is supposed to be subject to the laws of a given country; and (b) where everyone’s power shall be limited.
Dhaabbanni center for development and capacity building (CDCB) waltahinsaa fi gargaarsa baajataa dhaabbata National Endowment for Democracy (NED) walta’uun torbee darbe leenjii guyyaa jahaaf turu bishooftuu hoteela kilooletti kennaa turuun isa ani yaadatama.
Training on media, information and Digital Literacy is under way at Kilole Hotel at Bishoftu involving CDCB staff, Volunteers and government and private media professionals. The training has been organized by the CDCB with support of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Content of the 2 day training covers the meaning and definition of Media Literacy; the necessity for media and information literacy; analysis of media and information contents; investigation on the media source; analysis on online sources of news; understanding the Internet and Social Media; and ethical use of Social Media.
Guyyaa lammaffaan Leenjii dhimma Miidiyaa, Odeeffannoo fi digital literacy irratti gaggeeffamaa jira
leenjiin kun kan kennamaa jiru Bishooftuu Hoteela Kilole keessatti yoo ta’u, hirmaattonni leenjii kanaas Hojjettoota CDCB, Tola ooltotaa fi ogeeyyii miidiyaa mootummaa fi dhuunfaa yoo tahan, Leenjichi qindeessummaa wirtuu Misoomaa fi Ijaarsa Dandeettii fi waltahinsa deeggarsa dhaabbata National Endowment for Democracy (NED)n kan qophaa’eedha. Qabiyyeen leenjii guyyaa lamaaffaa kanas hiikaa media literacy akkasuma eenyuun media […]
Training on media, information and Digital Literacy is under way at Kilole Hotel at Bishoftu involving CDCB staff, Volunteers and government and private media professionals. The training has been organized by the CDCB with support of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Content of the 2 day training covers the meaning and definition of Media Literacy; the necessity for media and information literacy; analysis of media and information contents; investigation on the media source; analysis on online sources of news; understanding the Internet and Social Media; and ethical use of Social Media.
Youth Leadership and Role of Youth Leaders in the Digital Age in promoting peace, Human Rights and Democracy was thoroughly discussed at Kilole Hotel in Bishoftu Town yesterday. The issues were facilitated by two professionals (Trainers); one in leadership and the other in legal matters both with vast experience in the context in Oromia Regional State and the country.