USAID-CDCB A Film Premiere and Policy Review Discussion

USAID-CDCB A Film Premiere and Policy Review Discussion

Center for Development and Capacity Building inaugurated at Hilton International Hotel a documentary organized on damaging consequences of violence in Oromia Region and call for speedy restoration of peace. The CDCB organized the documentary over the last few months with budget support obtained from USAID/ESP, the Donor Partner, and commissioning a film making firm, Qubee Television.
The documentary covers among others 29 footages of persons interviewed; those who gave opinions in a panel discussion; and recommendations of academicians, public figures, custodians of the Oromo tradition – Abbaa Gadaa and Haadha Siinqee – as well as private citizens. The initial 4 footages are of victims of the violence in East Wolega, West Shoa and North Shoa zones identified under Social, Economy and Education.
There are 2 episodes in East Wolega Zone: One was a middle-aged investor displaced from Amuru District following extensive distraction to his property in the wake of the violence. The other was an account of attack on a church in Sasigga as narrated by a survivor. He speaks about the killings which has traumatized him to this day.
The third episode is about distraction of a school in Karre Gowa District of North Shoa Zone in which a few hundred students venture to study in tents provided by a college in the area. In an interview a student speaks of his recollections about the full-fledged high school he loved so much until it was destroyed in the violence.
The fourth in the series is a woman who lost her daughter whom she brought up providing proper education. Displaced from her place of origin, she speaks that she attempts to care for her 5 children all minors still at school age. She emphasizes in her message made under intense outpouring of emotions that what happened to her should never happen to anyone.
The aim of the documentary is to show human sufferings under the continued violence in Oromia Region as objectively as possible and eventually bring to attention of all both for humanitarian intervention and for seeking an end to the violence peacefully through dialogue without delay.
Previous CDCB Concludes “Hara Dambal” Rehabilitation Project

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